Management of the team

Initially, a program must minimally incorporate a medical director. But as the program grows and develops, one may consider recruiting a more wide-ranging team, notably a coordinator and an administrative team, whose roles are described below.

The medical director

Ideally, a pneumologist should take on this role. Their responsibilities include supervising the program, deciding whether to include or exclude a patient, and continuing the long-lasting development of the program. The medical director also acts as the program's spokesperson.

The program coordinator

A kinesiologist, physiotherapist, nurse, or respiratory therapist, for example, could take on this role. Their job notably involves developing the program, promoting it, looking after the professional health care team, managing schedules, selecting patients, evaluating the program and likewise acting as the program's spokesperson.

The administrative team

It may suffice in terms of building an administrative team to share personnel with another department (e.g.: secretary). The administrative team provides word processing and communications services, and is responsible for making appointments for patient evaluations.