To build your exercise program, please look at the Integrating an exercise program into your life module from Living well with COPD
A training session should begin with a warm-up period that lasts a few minutes. Suffice to begin the session with a low intensity cardiovascular exercise, such as marching on the spot or another exercise with little or no effort.
Cardiovascular exercises are very important, because they help improve a person's endurance.
There exist a variety of cardiovascular exercises that can be very beneficial (aquafitness, dance, etc.). The exercises that are recommended most often are:
When walking, the use of a pedometer is recommended as both a motivational and self-assessment tool.
After the cardiovascular and muscle strengthening exercises, one has to plan to spend a few minutes relaxing, so as to let the body return to a condition of rest. Muscle stretching should be done during this interlude. These exercises will build flexibility and provide relief. They also make it easier for people to do their daily chores, such as tying their shoelaces, washing themselves, etc.
Before beginning these exercises, the patient should adopt an excellent posture. Either sitting down or standing up, the patient should lower their shoulders, and align their head and neck properly with their spinal column (as if their back was flush up against the wall).